For a while, I've been wondering if I should start a blog to put in stuff about my role in the Diocese. Trouble is I may not be very good at adding things or I may just not have anything interesting to say. So if anyone reads this please let me know what you'd like to see. At the moment I think the 3 big issues in the diocese are:
- Terms of service for clergy
- The diocese's 2025 agenda
- Elections to General Synod
I'll try to say a little on each.
1.Terms of service for clergy. This will be the first time that clergy have a handbook outlining terms and conditions. The new rules come into being on 31st January 2011. The diocese is busy getting all the documentation worked out and I'm on the Implementation Group. Diocesan Synod had a copy of a draft handbook recently so if you'd like to see one, just ask.
2. The diocese's 2025 agenda. Bishop Nigel is getting us to address new ways of working that will cope with the fact that at the moment there are more vicars retiring than starting. We face the prospect of having to cope with less full-time clergy. Some people have misunderstood this and think that the church wants less clergy but this isn't the case. We are just making plans to cope with a changing situation where many of the clergy that are ordained are non-stipendiary (ie volunteers). This debate won't go away and over the next few years we will be encouraging people's vocations and exploring new ways of working.